The August Break

The August Break, 2017: Part One

The August Break is back!  This may very well be the only time of year that I attempt a photo a day based on a prompt designed by another photographer that I have had success in completing.  I did attempt the "biggie," the 365 Project, once many years ago with a photo a day, without prompts, and made it to October which I thought was decent, however unfinished it was.  So, with a brand new August at hand and 31 prompts to keep me grounded (and focused), I'm giving "The August Break" another go around!  I try not to read the prompts - or commit them to memory - more than a day or two ahead to keep it fresh, a somewhat meditative practice.  I will post here every few days or weeks while allowing my images to speak for themselves.  I hope you'll join in The August Break too and if so, please be sure to comment below with your blog link or online sharing site so I can follow along with you and your daily images.  Thanks!     

1:31  Morning

2:31  Gold

3:31  Roses

4:31  Where I live

5:31  Bicycle

Here is a copy of the prompts for you to play along, too!!  :)  

A photo a day, slowing it down and paying attention to what catches your eye and heart. 

A photo a day, slowing it down and paying attention to what catches your eye and heart. 

I realize I haven't posted in a while (shaking my head at myself).  I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful, Terrific, super-charged summer, my friends!!  I have so much to catch you up on!!!  Life has been full ON!  Until next time, keep your eyes peeled for all the beauty that surrounds you and soak in summertime's wonder.  

P.s.  To see last year's project, please visit this link: Break for August Part One and Part Two.